Monday, January 12, 2009

The Thunder's Biggest Fans Caught in the Act

I perused the Thunder Madness website today. It's a Thunder fan site created by The Oklahoman. One of the features allows people to upload their photos. The newest photos are shown on the front page. Hugh Scott of The Oklahoman snapped and posted some photos of the Thunder Girls (and bless him for it). In so doing he captured a shot of the some of the Thunder's biggest fans, my parents.

As you can see, the contest has my dad working up a lather and someone nearby has thrust a beer in front of him in their unseen excitement. Mom on the other hand is taking advantage of the game break to sift through some email, check the 401K or perhaps checking in with her bookie. More likely she's texting one of my sisters to see if the puppy has made any doodies in the house.
You can also see that their seats are about five rows from the court, whereas mine are five rows from the roof. It's cool though. I don't really need to be that close. What would be fun about that?